Photo Gallery – The Joint Service

The Joint Church Service is started with a welcome speech, then followed by Hymn, praise, scripture reading, prayer, sermons, and offerings.

Welcome speech in English Language by Emcee.

Welcome speech in Chinese Language by Emcee.

Standing up for the opening Hymn.

Standing up for singing.

Standing up for singing.

The Congregational Carol by the Choir.

Standing up for prayers

Opening Prayer

O God our Father,
You have brought us again to the glad season,
When we celebrate the birth of Your son, Jesus Christ our Lord
Grant that His Spirit may be born anew in our hearts this day
And that we may joyfully welcome Him to reign over us.
Open our ears that we may hear again the angelic chorus of old
Open our lips that we, too, may sing with uplifted hearts.
Glory to God in the highest, And on earth, peace, goodwill towards all; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Response Prayers

Holy God heaven and earth meet this day
In the new born Child, Saviour of the world
We celebrate his birth;
For him you come to be close to us, that we might be close to you

Especially, we give thanks ……
For the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And all he means to us
For the prospect of peace on the world
For confidence in your almighty love
For those who generously give
For those who graciously receive
For the Church’s nuturing in the faith.

God of all mercy
As you have come in Jesus Christ to be our guest,
Inspire our hearts to be hospitable
That welcomes all your children in his name

Especially we pray…
For those who have not heard your good news
For the sick and suffering
For those who know no laughter, only tears
For those who govern and rule Malaysia
For those enslaved by tyranny
For prisoners of addiction or abuse
For the Church as refuge for the needy
All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanksgiving Prayers

Dear Holy Father,
The great Giver of gift,
Giver of life and love and grace,
How generous of you to spare Your only Son.
And send him to all nations to dwell among unclean, unholy mankind
Accept our humble gratitude, unworthy though we are.
Accept our heats as gift to You,
May they become an altar and your love the flame,
So that all who traverse our little world find illumination and warmth and love

May they see your reflection in us
May we be found worthy of and faithful to
Your Christmas gift of sacrificial love and salvation.
Great is Your faithfulness, Lord unto us. Amen.

Next Page: Photo Gallery – The Christmas Parade >>

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Let me introduce myself. I am Gilbert Lawrence. I am a designer, freelance photo-videographer, and part time web moderator.

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