Chilled Out! 是一個與眾不同的家庭餐館。這個餐館擁有方便小孩的設施和環境,讓全家庭能夠在一個安全舒適的環境下用餐,更是一個特別的環境讓舊朋友重逢和聚餐。 Chilled Out! 家庭餐館呈獻最好最美味的佳餚,讓你能夠在舒適安全的環境用餐,小孩子也沒被遺忘,當中就有很多供小孩學習的機會。
開始營業: 二零一六年七月一日
營業時間 : 10:00 am 至 9.30 pm (星期日 – 星期四)
10:00 am 至 10:00 pm (星期五,星期六,公共假期前夕和公共假期)
地址 : No. 222, 2nd Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93050 Kuching, Malaysia
電話 : 082-232 402
電郵 :
面子書網篇 : @chilledoutthespring
以下是我們在的十二月參觀Chilled Out! 家庭餐館的短片。十二月是聖誕節節期,餐館更有聖誕節氣氛。
著落在新欣購物商場二樓,就在Kidz Paradize 遊樂園的隔壁和MBO電影院的對面。你可以和家人小孩在遊樂園玩樂,然後在家庭餐館用餐,然後去看電影。一切設施都在近距離。
在Chilled Out! 家庭餐館裡有各種不同風格的桌位供你選擇。一些風格適合於情侶,一些風格適合大家庭。
Chilled Out! 家庭餐館也和其他的家庭主題設施一起聯合推出重視家庭的設施。當中有Kidz Paradize 遊樂園和VH綠色自然公園。我們之前還參觀了VH綠色自然公園。
Mini bun served with double layered chicken nugget, fries and coleslaw
Wrap chicken sandwich served with fries and coleslaw
Jumbo cheese sausage served with bun, fries and coleclaw
Grilled beef sausage served with smile potato and coleslaw
Grilled Chicken sausage served with fries and coleslaw
Fried cheese sausage served with smile potato and coleslaw
Pan seared fish finger served with fries, coleslaw and tartar sauce
Fried chicken finger served with fries, coleslaw and tartar sauce
Chicken boxing served with fries, coleslaw and tartar sauce
Fried potato finger served with fries and coleslaw
Fried potato cake served with fries potato
Chicken or Beef lasagna served with fries
Chicken chop served with fries and veggies
Grilled steak cube served with mixed veggies and fries
Spaghetti, carbonara, Lasagna and fries
Creamy chicken soup served with toasted bread
Creamy mushroom soup served with toasted bread
Bolognaise beef pasta
Pasta carbonara with chicken ham and button mushroom
A1. 雞餐
Pan fried breaded chicken with cheese and fries.
Half spring chicken served with garden salad, fries and corn.
A2. 牛肉
Grilled Prince Sirloin steak served with mashed potato and sauted mixed vegetable.
A3. 羊肉
Grilled lamb chop with onion ring, corn and mashed potato.
A4. 綜合套餐
Delicious grilled chicken and lamb chop served with daily vegetables, baked tomato and fries
Delicious grilled chicken and steak served with Chef vegetables, baked tomato and fries.
Mixed grilled assortment of chicken, beef, lamb and sausage with vegetable, mashed potato and corn.
A5. 意大利面
Baked homemade pasta layered with beef or chicken, tomato sauce and cheese.
Smoked turkey ham in cream sauce
A6. 魚類
Pan fried fish fillet with tartar served with garden vegetable
Served with vegetable, mashed potato and honey teriyaki sauce
A7. 三明治和漢堡
Toasted bread with egg, Chicken toast and cheese served with fries
Grilled chicken or beef patty served in bun with coleslaw and fries
A8. 湯和沙拉
Creamy mushroom soup with garlic bread.
Freshly made puree soup, thickened with rice & finish with prawn.
An assortment green and red apple, raisin, pineapple, walnut & enhanced with mayonnaise.
Combinations of roasted chicken, prawn, beef & served with fresh crispy garden salad.
A9. 甜點
A10. 亞洲烹調
Ayam Penyat, daun ulam, Tempe, Steam rice serve with sambal belacan.
Chicken cooked with ginger and served with veggies and steam rice.
Chicken marinated with pandan flavor served with veggies and steam rice.
Chicken curry with veggie served with steam rice.
Beef curry with veggie served with steam rice
Fried or grilled chicken served with rice, mix veggies and mushroom sauce.
Fried seabass fillet pour with sweet and sour sauce, served with rice and mix veggies.
Steam rice with coconut milk, sambal, fried anchovies, cucumber, boiled eggs and choice of chicken curry or fried chicken.
Minced chicken sauted with chinese eggplant, spring union in chilled out special sauce serve with steamed white rice.
Sauted shreded beef with long chilli pepper, green bean & red pepper served with sauted pak choi and rice.
Grilled marinated chicken with terayaki sauce served with rice and sesame pak choi.
Salmon cook with curry gravy and garnish with fried eggplant, lady finger and tomato serve with steam white rice.
Chicken breast cook with green, red pepper, dry chilli and brocolli served with white rice.
Fried seabass with sambal, veggie and steam white rice.
Slow cooked chicken with rendang paste served with rice and slice cucumber.
Signature Drink 推薦飲料
Coffee 咖啡
Fresh Juice 鲜果汁
Tea in a Pot 茶類
Shakes 奶昔
Mocktails 無酒精雞尾酒
這是2024 年6 月15 日沿著古晉河濱公園舉行的長達1.2 公里的遊行,從敦朱加大廈步行到四方堡壘廣場,有111 支隊伍和3300 多名參與者,穿著傳統服裝,展現了達雅人的豐富文化多樣性。
馬唐山貝卡里探索步道(Mount Matang Beccari Discovery Trail) 以著名植物學家和自然研究專家奧多阿爾多·貝卡里(Odoardo Beccari) 的名字命名,他對馬唐山原始雨林中多個物種的生物多樣性進行了深入研究。直到今天,馬當山上的小徑一直通往馬當馬里安曼興都廟和他的田野別墅瓦隆布羅薩 (Vallombrosa)。沿著小路,遊客仍然可以欣賞到不同動物、植物、鳥類、昆蟲和真菌的大量生物多樣性。這是一次值得進行的實地考察,了解原始雨林的生物多樣性。
古晉聖誕聯合報佳音大遊行今年再次回歸,主題為「聖誕暖我心」!來自古晉不同教會的基督徒將參加遊行,在全城傳福音。與往常一樣,4 公里的路線從南市銀禧運動場出發,前往古晉河濱,然後返回南市銀禧運動場。聖誕遊行有超過5000人參加。
古晉市最大的年度馬拉松賽事再次回歸,來自本地和海外的 10,093 名參賽者參加了這一第八系列(自 2014 年以來)的盛大體育賽事。跑步活動圍繞著古晉市進行,途經古晉的各個歷史和著名地標。
2023 年古晉街頭遊行於 2023 年 8 月 5 日慶祝,恰逢砂拉越獨立 60 週年。古晉街頭遊行共有60支隊伍,涉及來自不同機構和組織的超過2,400名遊行參與者。他們共同展示了砂拉越的文化多樣性。