PokéStop : Birds Ants Hole

This is a safe PokéStop where you and your friend can enjoy catching Pokemons while shopping at the same time, under nice air conditioned environment.

Estimate Location :

Latitude : 1.507961

Longitude : 110.336396

Open map with : [Waze] [Google Map] [Bing Map] [HERE Map]

The PokéStop name “Birds Ants Hole” was located at the section at the new wing of Boulevard Shopping Mall. The Image shows a wooden sculpture divider in the Pokemon Go game. In actual location the Birds Ants Hole is located at Imperial Garden Restaurant at the Lower Ground Floor of the Imperial Hotel. You can access via stairs via the hotel lobby or directly from Ground floor of the shopping mall, which is just above the basement car park. It is a walking distance from the Boulevard Grocer and nearby Parking Payment counter.

The Birds Ants Hole pokestop as appeared in Pokemon Go game.

The “Birds Ants Hole” divider wall forms a nice shade from the outside sunlight while giving a abstract feeling to the surrounding. Many “birds” are found at the nearby ceiling and the random hole appearance of a anthill nest gives it its unique name.

The Birds Ants Hole is a nicely carved out divider located inside the Imperial Garden Restaurant.

The Birds Ants Hole is a nicely carved out divider shades the Imperial Garden Restaurant from excessive sunlight and give a abstract look. The “birds” at the adjacent ceiling and “ant hole” appearance gave it its name .

This is the view of the divider from outside of the restaurant.

This PokéStop have higher rate of spawning Venomate. Among other pokemons that may spawn are Gastly and Raddish, nevertheless bunch of ratata and pidgey.

The PokéStop is located in a shopping mall, hence it is safe to walk around and capture some nice pokemon. If you have a luxury of dinning in the Imperial Garden Restaurant, why not have a sit down playing pokemon while dining.

If you are not in the restaurant, always makesure you look around while walking before you bump into another person unnoticed. Don’t try to acess this pokestop from outside the mall as there is one busy road in front of the mall and high risk of injury from accidents. At rare times the capture radius able to reach the Main road (Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli), but don’t drive and catch as it is a busy one way road with many side junctions.

There is many nearby Pokestops within walking radius in the mall and you can get good overlap of pokestops and hence good for farming of items and pokemons. Do try to activate Lure in all these stops. Once all are activated, you will emerge in the pokemon spawn frenzy.

The nearby PokéStops are:

  1. Birds Ants Hole (Recommended)
  2. Boulevard Water Features (Recommended)
  3. Bovine (Recommended)
  4. Boulevard Japanese Girl (Recommended)
  5. Boulevard Lion Head
  6. Chinese Fortune Plaque
  7. Black Hornbill

Try to Activate all nearby pokestops and forms a pokemon spawn frenzy within walk distance.

The Pokestops within reach of Boulevard Shopping Mall Kuching

Next PokéStop : “PokéStop : Boulevard Water Features”

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Let me introduce myself. I am Gilbert Lawrence. I am a designer, freelance photo-videographer, and part time web moderator.

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