“Dayak Totem” depicts a replica of sacred Totem usually hand carved from a single hard wood tree trunk. The motifs on the totem depicts interlocking Creepers.
Totems can usually appears in many size and motifs. These totem is usually found in front of traditional long houses. Before the Dayaks converted to Christianity, it was believed that the men would strengthen their souls by carving totems, and make the brave in battles, as well as, to ask the deities for good harvests and for protection of the longhouse community from evil spirits.
However these festive decoration are not permanent fixtures. The theme is based on the latest upcoming festive celebrations, such as Raya, Gawai, Chinese New year, Easter, Mid-Autumn festival, Deepavali, Halloween, Christmas etc.
Estimate Location :
Latitude : 1.535944554883614
Longitude : 110.35845610495016
Open map with : [Waze] [Google Map] [Bing Map] [HERE Map]
“Dayak Totem” PokéStop is located at the Parkson Departmental Store of the Spring Mall, which is around 15 meters from the actual location at the East Court of the Mall.
Pokemon Go Trainers can access this PokéStop from most part of the Parkson Department Store, Shushi King Restaurant, East Court and Part of Osim store. This allows Trainers to play Pokemon Go while Shopping and dinning. Do aware your surrounding while wander and catch Pokemons.
This PokéStop is one of the stop famous for farming as it is within walking distance with other PokéStop. Pokemon Go Trainers can walk along the East, Center, and West Court of the Spring Mall to access most of the PokéStop within the Mall.
2023 年彩船游行将于 2023 年 7 月 29 日在砂拉越河古晋海滨举行,恰逢砂拉越独立 60 周年。成千上万的人们从四面八方聚集在古晋海滨,欣赏装饰精美的船只在河边游行。
“Niti Daun”也被称为Gawai Dayak Parade,是砂拉越达雅族人的游行队伍,常见于达雅族人的长屋里在Gawai庆祝活动之前的游行活动。今年的古晋“Niti Daun”游行与 2023 年 Gawai Dayak 庆典和砂拉越独立 60 周年庆典同时举行。 91支队伍、3000名参与者组成的游行队伍沿着古晋市道路游行,以传统服装和传统舞蹈表演展示了砂拉越达雅族的独特传统。
砂拉越生物多样性中心(SBC)每年都会举办一个公众开放日来庆祝生物多样性日,邀请公众前来通过各种活动享受有趣的时刻,让公众更多地了解砂拉越的生物多样性。今年,SBC 结合国际生物多样性日庆祝其生物多样性日。今年的主题是“从协议到行动:重建生物多样性”。
自 2020 年以来因大流行而推迟两年后,古晋市最大的年度马拉松赛事又回来了。有超过 8,900 名来自本地和海外的参与者参加了这个第七系列(自 2014 年起)的盛大体育赛事。活动在古晋市周围进行,途经古晋各种历史悠久的着名地标。