Category: Heritage Tourism

Heritage is property that received inheritance status. Special Properties including buildings, nature & artificial wonders, plants and culture that is unique to a historic timeline of great significant under heritage status will be protected and prevented from destruction or unintended alterations, so that the future generations can have the same opportunity to visit these properties of significant.

Heritage Tree of Kuching: The Silk-Cotton Tree at Merdeka Square Kuching

Common Name: Kapok Tree, Kabu-Kabu, Kekabu, Silk-Cotton Tree
Location: Center of Merdeka Square Kuching, Right in front of Merdeka Palace Hotel and Plaza Merdeka.
This 90 feet high Silk-Cotton Tree is listed under the heritage tree of Kuching by the Sarawak Government, with age near 100 years old and dates back to the reign of the Brooke family in Sarawak in 1840s. It is a famous for its massive size, huge roots buttresses complex, and snow like cotton that covers the whole field during its blossom (every 2-3 years).

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