Start Run for Your Life with Zombie and Enjoy with your Lovely Bubble.

The rules:
1. Each runner is given three flags. Each flag represented a life.
2. Runners will pass through two bubbles area.
3. Before reaching the finish line, runners have to pass through zombies zone.
4. Zombies will steal one life from runners.
5. Reach the finish line with no more life will get infected medal. Reach the finish line with still a life or more will get survivor medal.
6. Zombies will not physically contact any runners other than in attempt to pull a health flag.
7. Direct physical contact (pulling, grabbing, pushing, striking, etc) between zombies and runners will not be permitted.

Zombie Bubble Run Flag Off at 7pm. (22nd April 2017)

The Registration for Life Belt collection is Starting from 5pm – 6.30pm.

Gathering / Starting Point is Nearby DigiCentre Marina (Traffic Light).