VH Green Nature Park is an outdoor classroom with unique landscaping to integrate educational elements into existing nature already found in the area. Outdoor park, educational centre for children, petting zoo, permaculture and botanical discovery hub all rolled into the one, the main mission of the park is to provide the best platform for nature education, an appreciation of animals and a safe environment to enjoy the great outdoors.
Name: VH Green Nature Park
Address: Lot 1275, Block 6, Matang Land District, 4th Mile, Jalan Matang, 93050 Kuching, Malaysia
Latitude : 1.58889810883985
Longitude : 110.2895663374344
Open map with : [Waze] [Google Map] [Bing Map] [HERE Map]
Operation Hours: 09:00 – 17:00
Operation Since : 1st October 2015
Contact: 012-3255095 / 016-2058092
Facebook Page: @vhgreennaturepark
A short video on our visits to VH Green Nature Park.
Entry Price:
Introductory (Day Pass without Pony):
- Adult RM10
- Child: RM8
- Child(with KPZ member card) RM6
Explorer (Day Pass with Pony Ride):
- Adult RM17
- Child: RM15
- Child(with KPZ member card) RM13
Family Packages:
Introductory (Day Pass without Pony):
- Family 2+2 (2 Adults + 2 Child) RM32
- Family 2+1 (2 Adults + 1 Child) RM25
- Family 1+2 (1 Adults + 2 Child) RM23
Explorer (Day Pass with Pony Ride):
- Family 2+2 (2 Adults + 2 Child) RM58
- Family 2+1 (2 Adults + 1 Child) RM44
- Family 1+2 (1 Adults + 2 Child) RM42
Child 2 years and below – Free
The main theme of the park emphasis on Green and Nature. Recycled materials can be seen all around the park , from the Sign Board, Park decoration, Playground, Hydrophonics Farms and even there are Solar powered street lamps within the park. It emphasis on education on younger generations on the important of environment conservation and recycling.
The park is divided into nine zones, including indoor and outdoor playgrounds, animal farming areas, orchards, vegetable plots, herb garden, hydrophonic farms, food and beverage outlet and green house.
Kids can visit and feed common farm animals from cows, goat, turkey, chicken, ducks, rabbits and fishes, understanding the plantation of common vegetables and fruits, have a nice game at the indoor and outdoor playground, have a unforgettable pony ride and nevertheless having a close contact with all the greeneries of nature. There are surau and cafeteria in the park for your needs.
Places of interest in the park.
- Bird Aviary
- Vegetable Plot
- Herb Garden
- Horse Stable
- Horse Riding Station
- Farm house
- Permaculture
- Victoria’s Bridge
- Green House
- Aquarium
- Rabbit House
- Tortoise House
- CPHWANG Floral Tunnel
- Waterfall
- Sandpit
- Longkang Fishing
- Kid’s Playground
- Fruit Garden
- Anthony’s Bridge

At the grand entrance of the park, there is a Signage which totally made out of recycled plastic bottles.
Entrance to the Park
Other than pony ride – the main attraction of this park, visitors can also purchase animal feeds to feed the farm animals and fishes.
- Wet Food (Carrot for Rabbit and Goat) : RM2.00
- Poultry Food (For Rabbit, Goat, Chicken, Bird, Duck and Geese) : RM 2.50
- Fish Pellet: RM1.00

Pet food are available for purchase. Do purchase some of these food before entering, so you can enjoy feeding the farm animals.
Main Lobby
After entering the main lobby, there is various attractions available under the roof. There is cafeteria that sells local delicacies, few aquariums and pets on display, two water features, one tree house and indoor playground. Visitors can have a short meals here at the cafeteria while having a rest under the roof.

Description for the Malayan Box Turtle (Cuora Amboinensis) and Red-Ear Slider Turtle (Chrysemsys Scripta Elegans).
Malayan Box Turtle (Cuora Amboinensis)
Origin: Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand.
Lifespan: 25-30 years.
Diet: Omnivore
- There are the only of the turtle that can put all of their body inside the shell.
- Younger turtles tending towards more meat consumption and older turtle eating a more herbivorous diet.
- They can swim very well.
Red-Ear Slider Turtle (Chrysemsys Scripta Elegans)
Lifespan: 15-20 Years.
Diet: Omnivore
- Semi aquatic turtle
- Red-eared slider can be very personable and will often swim up to you begging for food.
- The male is normally smaller than the female. Male also have longer claws on their feet than the female (helps them to hold on to a female during mating). The male tail is thicker and longer.
- Red-eared sliders must sunbathe regularly to regulate their temperature.
- They are the turtle that’s in the “Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” character.

A notice on the Aquarium indicates these beautiful arowana are here in fond memories of the late Mr Anthony Hon Kiew.
Bengal Cat (Felis catus/ Prionailurus bengalensis)
Lifespan: 12-16 years
- Crossing breed between leopard cat and Domestic cat.
- Friendly , intelligent cat, alert with surrounding.
- Great climbers and love height.
- Has little fear of other cats or animals.
Scrientific Name: Testudinidae (family)
Range Countries: North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and on the island of Madagascar, the Galapagos, and the Aldabra Atoll.
All tortoises come from the family of Testudinidae. There are approximately 11 genera and 40-50 species from around the world. All tortoises live on land and live in warm places.
Tortoises are mostly vegetarian. They feed on grasses, sedges, flowers, succulents, and fruits.
The Sulcata Tortoise (Centrochelys Sulcata)
Name: Ben & Rose
Origin: Africa
Lifespan: 100-150 years
Diet: Plants, leaves
- Third largest tortoise in the world.
- Active during dusk and dawn.
- It can dig hole until 10 feet underground.
The Aviary is just beside the main lobby. it is the first outdoor attraction. The aviary is well fenced and have twin door to enclose all birds safely with trees and pond inside.
Love Bird
Scientific Name: Agapornis (family)
Place of Origin: Africa, Madagascar
Lovebirds are a type of parrot. In fact, they are one of the smallest parrots in the world. They are called lovebirds because they really act like they are in love. They will miss each other and pair up in couples. They don’t like being alone, and will get very sad if their partner dies. Just like humans.
Budgie Bird (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Origin: Australia
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Diet: Seeds
- Also known as common pet parakeet or shell parakeet.
- Their wings have greenish-black flight feathers and back covert with yellow fringes along with central yellow flashes, which only become visible in flight or when wing are outstretched.
- Adult budgie- forehead and face is yellow with blackish stripes down to the nose.
- They change their color at 3-4 months.
- This species has survived harsh dry in lands parts of Australia condition for the last 5 million years.
Diamond Dove (Geopelia Cuneata)
Origin: Australia
Lifespan: 15-25 years
Diet: Seeds, grains, sometimes ants
- Live in pairs or small group
- Their Chick are fast to grow and can fly by 2 weeks.
- Female- eye ring is less vivid and more brown color to the plumage.
- Male- head, neck, breast are light blue-grey.
Vegetable Plots
The Vegetable plots are showcases of how agriculture farm works, by orderly arrange rows of vegetables and trench, creating good drainage and easy access to the plants. There are common tropical vegetables available here, like brinjol, melons, chillies, laby fingers etc. Visitors can learn how agriculture farm works.
Farm House
Next on the attraction list is the Farm House where farm animals are placed. There are Chicken, Ducks, Turkey, Goat, Rabbits, Cow, Horses and even Porcupine. That reminds us about a children song “old Mc Donald have a farm”. Kids can be introduced to all these farm friends. Visitor can feed the farm animals with the feeds available, and enjoy petting them. Just be careful while feeding them as some may bite – so keep your fingers away from their mouth.
Outdoor Trail
The Outdoor trail is where the pony ride begins. It is a stone path into the second part of the garden. With attractions such as flower tunnel, garden maze, huge man-made lake with artificial waterfall feature, creative plant sculptures, playground and pony ride trail. Have fun while waking along the path and enjoy the green surroundings.
Our horse rides are designed to give you a gentle riding experience. The idea is for you to appreciate the activity and also the hard work of the horse.
Riders are available between
- 9.30am-12noon
- 2.30pm-5.00pm
All rides are guided and are about 200 meters.
Please wear the safety gear provided at all times.

A series of recycled old tyres on the kid’s playground. Kids can walk on the tyres and be careful not to get caught between tyres.
Hydroponic and Aquaponic Garden
As part of the permaculture – a self sustained agriculture, hydroponic and Aquaponic garden are also a major play. In this garden visitors are exposed on the idea of soil-less plantation, recycling of nitrogen and nutrient chain through fishes and tower gardening.
This visit to the VH Green Nature Park was an Educational and fun one. Schools and organization had their trips to this wonderful place, and had a nice memory here, so why hesitate, bring yours here and indulge in the fun and educational ride.